1 definition by Shujiro

leet or elite speak, an almost dead internet language originally used by real hackers to communicate, now used by people trying to make themselves look cool by typing in a language hardly anyone can read, here is a quick tutorial on how to speak 1337.

1= L
2= Z (not often used)
3= E
4 = A
5= S
6= G
7= T
8 = B(uncommon)
9 = G
0 = O
|< = K
|2 = R
( = C
+ = T
|\| = N
`/ = Y
>< = X
$ = S (rare)
\/\/ = W
|) = D
words often shortened replacing for example er with z0r, hacker becomes hackz0r or |-|4kz0r
|20x0|2 = rockz0r = amasing,good ect....
|<4|\|'+ j00 |234|) 7|-|12!?
(can't you read this!?)
by Shujiro June 22, 2005
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