1 definition by Sheriff Will

A man's man

"A man's man" has qualities other men admire; he is a man other men would like to be, a man who enjoys activities which require physical as well as mental strength and stamina; however, the definition is not stuck in some macho paralysis as the qualities that make a man are changing and being revamped from time to time. John Wayne may have a man's man at one time, but for this day and age, he would be seen as too conformist and black and white in his views. Independence, integrity, self-sufficiency, ground-breaking vision, brave physically and morally, and loyal to other men to an ocassional fault are relevant qualties of a man's man.
"A man's man" will stand up for another man rather than cave to some dishonest demands of a close female; a man's man would do what's best for another guy without taking undue advantage, evidencing a certain nobility; a man's man doesn't always grin and bear it as honesty about one's limitations defines the character of a man and engenders the trust of other men. He withstands the peer pressure of women and other men when it is falsely leveraged against him.
by Sheriff Will November 1, 2013
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