2 definitions by Sheet Smart ;)

The site you're on right now; a website were you can look up, and write definitions of, slang, mostly sex-related.
I was looking up Urban Dictionary, and I didn't know what a Alaskan Firedragon was, so I looked it up on UrbanDictionary.com
by Sheet Smart ;) April 7, 2017
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A great thing ruined by a period.

This is a common joke. A 69 is were two people give each other oral sex at the same time. When a woman is on her period this is impossible due to all the blood. This is a joke were 69 is the great thing, and the actual period is making it a 6.9, while it's also true that a woman's period ruins a 69.
Me and my girlfriend were going to do a 69, but it turned into a 6.9
What's that?
A great thing ruined by a period
by Sheet Smart ;) April 27, 2017
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