1 definition by ShedoubleEran
A ballet written placed in pagan Russia, during a tribe's Spring Sacrifice ritual. Composed by Igor Stravinsky in 1913, original choreography by Vaslav Nijinsky. It has two acts, Adoration of the Earth, and The Sacrifice.
But the cool thing is that this, this fucking literally caused a fucking riot in its opening night. The police had to be called, because it was so loud the dancers couldn't hear the music. People got punched in the face because this piece was so weird and dissonant. Then, a year later everyone loved it and it is often dubbed the turning point of modern music.
But the cool thing is that this, this fucking literally caused a fucking riot in its opening night. The police had to be called, because it was so loud the dancers couldn't hear the music. People got punched in the face because this piece was so weird and dissonant. Then, a year later everyone loved it and it is often dubbed the turning point of modern music.
by ShedoubleEran November 16, 2017