1 definition by ShamedToBeFromHampton

A small, redneck, trailer trash town in the middle of bum fuck egpyt that no one has ever heard of. It is filled with small trashy trailers and small breasted, tooth missing girls that ware XXL shirts to prom. He guys how graduted and still live in this shity town are on an intelligence level just above a monkey. He high school guys hunt ever day before school and the private schools are allowed them to bring guns to school. The african race has gangs which can fire a full clip of bullets and not hit a single person in a group of 20. At the local bars they no longer check IDs the count teeth, if you are missing atleast 2 you are allowed in. This town is wounderful if you like to hunt and do not want to fill threatened by the african american's ability to fire a gun. This is a great town if you like small towns where everyone knows everything about you, especially what you did last night. If you like privacy, i dont recommend living here.
person #1- "do you want to go to the bar tonight?"
Person #2- "i cant still got all my teeth."
Person #3- "well anyways, did you hear what happened last night."
by ShamedToBeFromHampton April 7, 2005
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