2 definitions by SexxxMachine69

A very serious mental disease. The literal addiction to cookies. As we all know, cookies are very addictive so this addiction is very popular. Though, it is more addictive then heroine. Thus making it extremely lethal. Some go even as far as adding the infamous Marijuana to the already deadly mix. Do not underestimate a man with an addiction as such.
Man A: "Do you see that shady guy in the corner?"
Man B: "Yeah hes a cookiedict."
by SexxxMachine69 April 11, 2016
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The god of mastonism, and the true god of the universe. He doesn't care whether you have the gay or not, as long as you hump homo sapiens sapiens, you are pure in his eyes. Yet furries he cannot tolerate, for the furry doesn't focus on the human anymore, he focuses on the animal.
Do you praise MASTONE? No? You must be furry!
by SexxxMachine69 January 12, 2019
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