1 definition by Sean M. H.

Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1 is the longest running science fiction show ever. It has just started its 10th season on Sci-fi. The sg-1 team consists of Amanda Tapping as Lt. Col. Samantha Carter,PHD., Michael Shanks as Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Douglas Christopher Judge as the Jaffa rebel Teal'c and untill season 8 Maj. Gen. jonathan "Jack" O'Neill played by Richard Dean Anderson and was replaced by Ben Browder as Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell,. The show revolves around a large ring divice called a stargate. The gate is made of a eliment called Naquadah. the stargate can bring people and things to any number of far away worlds.
stargate SG-1 comes on every friday on the sci-fi chanel at 8:00 central time
by Sean M. H. July 24, 2006
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