1 definition by SeaCadetFan101

Sea Cadet;pure badass with good judgement, prove on many occasions to be better than ACF or ATC because, well really ACF and ATC are just not better and never will be. Most Air cadets are those rejected from the SCC but with no part criminal record whereas the Army cadet is a reject of both SCC and ATC-the lowest of the low. These chavs tend to have guns in their possession usually, this is why they don't struggle when it comes to their shooting qualification, provided you explain everything as you would to a baby.
Did you see those Sea Cadets? They look so smart on parade in their best uniform. Why are the Army cadets in their combat uniforms and why are the air cadets wearing the sea cadets 4s uniform?
by SeaCadetFan101 January 2, 2019
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