3 definitions by Sancha

I s a good person, but in some stressful cases, his laugh is contagious, like his penis, very funny, but lonely at the same time, his first love was a failure, and the one that followed after that too, he hates the Samuels but nothing compares to him I hate that he has SOSO.

I had a Simon, the great man, but he became a fag
Simón José is definition comes from YES, which means positive, yes to everything.
by Sancha August 4, 2023
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Simon, a charming person, but at the same time stressful, a great friend, and a great person, although sometimes stressful, he has great erotic thoughts, and a small penis, a nice person, his first love was a failure, and his second too, he hates the Samuels but what he hates the most is SOSO
Simón José definition comes from SI, which means positive, yes to everything.
by Sancha August 4, 2023
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