2 definitions by Sam B. L.

A recreational sport played by those who drive through West Coconut Grove (Miami), Florida. The object of the game is to avoid those people who place themselves in the middle of Grand Avenue as living bowling pins. They do this for one of two reasons a) they are looking to reap the benefit of an insurance claim or b) are high on crack.

The sport is almost always played after sunset and a participant must take caution while driving Grand Avenue as the pins tend to blend into the night. Special attention must be made during the bonus rounds when residents of the neighborhood take to their bicycles.
Your driving down the road, a black crack head drops out of the dark, you swerve to avoid him but ‘POW’ you've made contact and have just played Grand Avenue Bowling.
by Sam B. L. March 29, 2007
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A toothpick which is found hanging from the lips of a redneck. Typically ones only means of picking squirrel meat and other guck out from between ones teeth.
Billy Bob: Look at Jimbo sitting on his porch brushin' his teeth in public.
Sally Anne: What you talkin' 'bout?
Billy Bob: What you think he's doing with that toothpick?
Sally Anne: Oh. Oh... ya.
Billy Bob: Ya, he's rockin' that Redneck Toothbrush.
by Sam B. L. March 9, 2012
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