1 definition by Salderman Jones III

Slader is the art of timing, knowing when it is right to leave and return into someone’s life. The goal isn’t to change ones behavior, but to instead shape it around your behavior patterns. In other words, you are trying to get someone to think about you when you aren’t around them. Think about it as an analogy. You are a farmer who is growing crops. You have to plant the seeds in the present to reap the rewards in the future. This may be a fairly large investment, but that also means the potential payoff is larger. As a farmer, you aren’t just going to sit and watch the plant grow. You have other crops to grow on your farm, therefore you must know when to check in on the progress of the plant and adjust to the conditions surrounding it. You need to know when to water and fertilize your plant, until eventually it is ready to harvest. The key to slader, is knowing and believing it is always slader season no matter the circumstance.
"Bro what'd you do last night? you disappeared."

"Bro, Matray and I ran a quick pick 2 and sladered some smooth brains at double."
by Salderman Jones III March 3, 2020
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