1 definition by SQUIRRELLLLLL
He is the most annoyingest person in the world! He will pull your hair and take your hair ties...... never date a man like that. He thinks he is the best at everything and tries to impress his gurlllll, but kinda sucks at it😂 he sucks at sports.... loserrrrrrr.... His hair always looks like a mop and his shoe drip is terrible, he acts all buff, big and strong, but he is actually a really tiny, soft, boy... DONT BE THREATENED BY HIM, he is caring person, sometimes😂But yk, he does have a pretty hot, smart, bestfriend who will beat up anyone who tries to mess with him👊😂 but other then that, he is the bestest friend anyone could have!! but his still not as fast as his bestieeeee!!
by SQUIRRELLLLLL October 14, 2020