1 definition by SPEER1407

A traditional Hindi name given to a youthful, energetic, beautiful, caring, intelligent woman. They are normally very kind, calm and loving but they do tend to give too much of themselves. You’re very lucky to know a Yukthi. A Yukthi will always help her friends in times of hardship and won’t give up on you. They do tend to have a small temper but this is seen as cute by most people. If a Yukthi is short, never call them cute when they’re mad as this will proceed to annoy them even more. If a Yukthi is tall, do not anger them, they will hurt you physically. The best way to deal with a Yukthi is to agree with them and support their personal endeavors.
Wow, Yukthi just helped me with my mathematics homework! She’s so kind.
by SPEER1407 November 6, 2020
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