1 definition by SPAZK!Nz

An type of tree of the Benagli species. The Angleom-rumde Benagli, also known as JoyOnTree, are trees that have been nurtured with Ancient Magicks. The Joyontree first originated from India. They have branches which spread out into a display of bright colours and

There are currently only two Joyontrees left, and these are situated in India and Australia. Little is known about Joyontrees apart from the leaves of the Joyontree, which have been confirmed to release a type of poison which seeps to the bones so that the person(s) that make contact with the leaf will be 'midget' until a cure has been found.
A: Hey, what did you choose to do your project on? ;D
B: Oh, I chose the Joyontree! It's a fascinating little thing! (:
by SPAZK!Nz February 3, 2013
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