1 definition by SMOKEdat

Twa - n.
An object stoners use to smoke those oh so big, fatty knifer hits off of the oven range. Made with a 1 liter bottle cut in half, with ice put in the top half, then holes cut in the bottles base and inserted upside down into the top half.

This device can be comparable to an ice bong with no water and is extra tasty with some hash oil.

Comical times discussing the definition of twat led to the naming of a group's easily bridled knifer companion.
Tony- yo Donny im tryin to do my knifas here but this straw works like shit. You gotta help me.

Donny- yo Tony unlike the dumbshit in front of me I use a brain to come up with clever pieces like dis here invention I made wit a water bottle.

Tony- yo Donny what do you call that thing man?

Donny- Tony to you? I call dis a twa.

Tony- A twat?

Donny- No stupid.
by SMOKEdat February 16, 2010
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