1 definition by SLYLove

A Man like no other!
His middle name is loyalty and generosity
He will wear his heart on his sleeve and give you the world but wont allow you to take him for granted.
He's sexy with broad shoulders, sharp chiseled chin, strong muscles and has a big cock!
He will make you laugh in the lowest of low,and bring you to your highest
He is humble and not a big boaster about himself, he's quiet and well mannered but when he finds the right people with the same vibes as him he will open up like no other with humor, he's realistic, down to earth, also a day dreamer and a giver too.
He does everything from the heart.
He's a hard worker that wants to make something of himself in this world, always open minded, excellent with numbers, always ready for a challenge and to be tested to the ultimate!
Always thriving to do his best!
He's stubborn but only because he has morals and standards for himself and lives by honesty and truth.
He makes an amazing friend, a wonderful loving lover, the best brother any sister/brother can have, always thinks if his family or Girlfriend first.
When he's in a relationship he will give you anything with all the love in his heart for you.

He doesn't have the intentions like all the other fuck boys, no, he wants something real, something honest and someone who has a full heart for him because he wont tolerate someone out to use him or be fake with there intentions.

He is the definition of"Actions speak louder than words"
Damn did you see that sexy man pass by??

Yeah that's Keyeano hes quiet but damn does he know how to give a girl the man of her dreams! Hes the full package 💕
by SLYLove January 12, 2023
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