1 definition by SHP survivor

Seton Hall Prep is a Catholic boys high school in West Orange, NJ. It is known for being the oldest Catholic high school in the state and for glorifying the jock culture. Most of the jocks there are so insecure and resentful about not having gotten into a better private high school (usually Delbarton, the other large Catholic boys school in North Jersey) that they assuage themselves by degrading anyone they can. Usually, this takes one of the following two forms: the Neanderthal, hateful, angry, insecure SHP jock will 1) go on blogs like this to insult Delbarton and its students (which is pathetic, since almost all of Delbarton's graduates go to Ivy League or "Little Ivy League" colleges in SHARP contrast to SHP graduates) or 2) bully any classmate at Seton Hall Prep who is not a jock and/or a Neanderthal.
This is best exemplified by reading prior entries on this blog where Seton Hall Prep's OWN STUDENTS unwittingly undermine SHP's reputation by their semi-literate, angry, immature, homophobic, ignorant posts. Further examples of the semi-literacy and slothfulness of the SHP Neanderthal SubType can be found on other student blogs like "Rate My Teacher".

For example, see prior definition where the proud Seton Hall student brags that at SHP, they are better at banging the sluttiest prostitutes (HIS reference to their girlfriends). Yeah.... that's impressive. I'm sure the administration is proud of THAT definition.
by SHP survivor March 1, 2011
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