1 definition by S1u1c1k11d1i1c1k

Is34 is a school located on Academy avenue in Tottenville. Is34 is a school filled with a lot of white privileged rich kids and 99.999% of them say the n word cus they think they can. Did I mention the principal is a giant meatball and the 7 grade dean has a pervy mustache and is very mean and thinks 6th and 8th grade has to bow down to him because 7th grade won one of there weird contests that they have going on in that school. Your lucky if u get the nice teachers cus most the teachers in that school are racist and can go eat ass. All the girls in the school get dressed coded if u have a little bit of there shoulder sticking out and the boys get yelled at every 2 minutes for having there hood up. DONT FORGET YOUR ID CARD because you will be having lunch detention for the next week. Is34 had its fun times but u also get tired of being there.
by S1u1c1k11d1i1c1k December 20, 2021
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