2 definitions by S.B123

Rabiha in Arabic means a peaceful garden in heaven. Rabiha is a beautiful girl who is very smart, very cautious but also very quiet. She prefers to think things through before going to do them. A lot of people envy her in terms of her wealth, beauty and how she is seen by others. She is very hard working and driven to achieve her best. People being jealous of her happens all the time with the people she would least expect.
by S.B123 April 21, 2018
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Rabiha is a beautiful girl who always tries to keep things together. She is very quite but very smart yet cautious. She thinks through things before doing them. She’s very pretty and elegant. People envy her especially the ones closest to her; people being jealous of her is part of her routine.
Person 1: omg look at her bag I want it

Person 2: must be a Rabiha
by S.B123 April 21, 2018
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