1 definition by RustyHarmonica

What dimension is beyond space and time? Fucking money, obviously. That's right the fifth dimension is cash flow, not a means of crossing vast distances or seeing into the tiniest facets of reality, but numbers on a fucking spreadsheet.

The physicists are fucked, they can't get to grips with moving beyond space and time, but don't worry some grubby attention starved bean counter has done it for us.
"Yah, I was telling Tarquin that building things in space and time is so.... 20th Century, we build things in the money dimension now, 5D Tarquin, 5D!"

"While this project was definitely full of Ds, the most elusive was the fifth D"

"If money is the fifth dimension I'll fucking shoot myself"
by RustyHarmonica September 17, 2020
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