1 definition by Runthemidgetsarecoming

It's the African American version of the popular meme karen.

Tasha has multiple children, a single mother, drive's a shit box car or a beater mobile , lives off of food stamps or government aid and or child support.

Tasha can never be wrong

She expects the world to cater to her but won't ever compromise for anyone else

She very entitled for not having much.
Tasha likes to be very open about her political veiws but doesn't actually do much research on the politician she agrees with.

She speaks with her hands and is very lazy.

She feels the strong need to assert power over her children similar to the way a dictator rules over a contry.

Tasha doesn't have many friends and the ones she does have she only has loud and obnoxious phone conversations with them. She tends to talk about the topic of these extensive phone conversations with people who don't care about anything she has to say.

She has a lot of pent up anger from her previous relationship and slowly takes it out on others who don't deserve to have it taken out on.

She's the type of person who believes she's a lot smarter theb she really is.
Tasha stop complaining about what other people don't do and get up and make a difference in your own life.
by Runthemidgetsarecoming May 27, 2020
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