2 definitions by RubMe3Times

A place for illiterate morons to talk about their life that _nobody_ cares about. I think its really about how annoying you can make the looping background music. Or could it be about how many alert boxes you can fit in to one site? Oh Oh I know, it's about the overlapping text nobody can read. Wait...or could it be the ugly color schemes that they didn't even make. No it's really about how badly you can spell, and how much you can copy everyone elses.

Xanaga was made by the FBI to catch kids posting pics of them drinking, and smoking at parties. JK :P
Blogs usually consists of:
lol HAY GUYZ i kepen it krunk rofl
hey pimps and hoes well wut is new...me nuthin much but here is my weekend
LEVE COMANTS PLZ!!!!!!!1111111one1
by RubMe3Times October 4, 2005
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Sues spam companies while sending out bulk CDs the next day.
Pedo heaven.
Stud6969: 65/M/FL
Stud6969: cool wuts up?
by RubMe3Times September 29, 2005
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