2 definitions by Ron Jeremiah Johnson III

Noun - a non-contagious, mental inflammation of the ovaries, caused by the first sunny day of spring. typically lasts one day but can last as long as the it doesn't rain
Hey boss, did you hear its finally going to stop raining next week? I think I I'm going to have a case of Stagnorrhea on Monday.
by Ron Jeremiah Johnson III March 18, 2019
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When you are doing a girl doggy style (more points if its anal) and she is so tired that her arms have given up and she is laying facedown into the pillow. Just as you are about to ejaculate you grab both arms under the elbows, pull her back in an arcing fashion and in conjustion with your convulsion yell "KACK-KACK-KACK-KACK-KACK-KACK". Akin to Cuba Gooding Jr. in Pearl Harbor
Ian: So Matt, did you and Veronica get it on last night?

Matt: Shit man, I shot down charlies left and right while I was manning the guns
by Ron Jeremiah Johnson III June 9, 2010
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