2 definitions by Rodri316

Limecat is the supreme ruler of all cats. His head has a natural beret which strongly resembles a cut-up lime, but is really a symbol of his power. Limecat is usually not pleased with the deeds and words of petty humans, and no one has ever claimed to catch him in a good mood. Limecat has come to challenge the mighty Clock Spider, and LUE is now split in the decision of who is truly the Master of All.
Limecat is not pleased.
by Rodri316 December 12, 2003
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Abbreviation for Laughing On The Inside, an more honest internet lingo than LOL, in which you find something funny but you are not really laughing out loud.
Person 1: What did the beaver say when he crashed into a wall?
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Damn!
Person 2: LOTI
by Rodri316 September 10, 2003
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