3 definitions by Rizznitz

Combining the well known words jizz and distance, jizzstance refers to how far one's semen can travel when ejaculating. Men are typically fascinated with their jizzstance and sometimes purposely delay sexual acts for days to establish new personal records.
Dude, I just set a new record for my jizzstance. I waited a whole week and then watched Clueless. I almost hit the TV screen when Stacey Dash made her first appearance.
by Rizznitz May 11, 2013
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Also known as "pulling out" before ejaculating to avoid pregnancy (oftentimes ineffectively).
Jeff tried to pull the old prexit move with Molly, but ended up with the stay and pray instead when his timing was off.
by Rizznitz June 25, 2016
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Tits that split. Similar to banana tits, a pair of breasts with a large gap in between them, usually features nipples that protrude in opposite directions.
(Amanda flashes Greg)

You're flashing me again, Amanda? They're not even that great; they're splitters...
by Rizznitz May 5, 2018
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