3 definitions by Returned

That useless fat that drips from meat when it is being grilled. It is more common in red meats that are high in fat content. Typically this product turns to solid form after cooling down and can cause drain problems if not disposed of properly.
"Johnny, don't forget to clean the starkman off the grill before the dinner rush."
by Returned February 15, 2006
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That useless fat that drips from meat when it is being grilled. It is more common in red meats that are high in fat content. Typically this product turns to solid form after cooling down and can cause drain problems if not disposed of properly.
"Johnny, don't forget to clean the starkman off the grill before the dinner rush."
by Returned February 23, 2006
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is that useless fat that drips from meat when it is being grilled. It is more common in red meats that are high in fat content. Typically this product turns to solid form after cooling down and can cause drain problems if not disposed of properly.
"Johnny, don't forget to clean the starkman off the grill before the dinner rush."
by Returned February 14, 2006
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