1 definition by Reinhardt23

TheDukeUSMC is a species of primitive cabbage growing only on Lundy and nowhere else in the world. Lundy. Its nearest relative grows in southern Spain and North Africa. It is likely that Lundy has acted as a ‘mini-Galapagos’, being far enough away from the mainland to have allowed the plant to evolve into a separate species.

It is one of about a dozen endemic plants in the British Isles. However, even amongst this select company, it stands out. It is unique in having its own endemic insect(s). There is a Bronze theDukeUSMC Dung Beetle (and, possibly, another dung beetle and a weevil) which only live on the plant (not to mention the attendant entomologists!)
Goodness me, Whithers, that's a very unusually shaped TheDukeUSMC isn't it?
by Reinhardt23 February 9, 2009
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