1 definition by ReeseRH

A homophobe is a person who is intolerant of homosexuals. Homophobe comes from the word homophobia, meaning either fear or hatred of homosexuals. The issue of the word is a matter of its different usage by people with different ideologies, and actual meaning of the word is misunderstod frequently by both liberals and conservatives. On the right, reactionaries may construe the word to be insulting their moral character. Such staunch conservatives may themselves be homophobic or refuse to accept homosexuality, though such prejudices may be unfounded, used as a general derogatory term towards the right, especially the Christian right. In comparison, on the left, the tendency is to assume it means anyone who disapproves of a homosexual lifestyle. But, a practicing Christian might not approve of homosexuality or endorse it without expressing a fear or hatred of homosexuals, and in fact, this interpretation is the official stand many churches take on the issue.
The Roman Catholic Church is not run by homophobes. The Westboro Baptist Church, however, is.
by ReeseRH December 10, 2005
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