1 definition by RebelFelon613

Term used by Canadians, mostly those associated with Canadian Inmates or Convicts, in reference to Narcs, Rats, people known for crimes against children ( Child Molesters, Child Abusers, Pedophiles). These people are often found in P.C (or Protective Custody) when serving a jail sentence because people in the General Population can not find any way to trust a Narc nor do they condone such behaviors and heinous crimes against nature. To be a 'Goof' is to be THE LOWEST form of 'human' and most are not perceived as such, which is why most often it does not weigh on one's conscience to "get rid of" a goof.

If a person is called a Goof the expected protocol is to react with physical violence. If said person is defeated in said physical dispute, it does not mean they are in fact a 'Goof', because their actions were in self defense and that person loses no respect. If the person does NOT react in a physically violent manner, they lose all respect and their character comes under serious question and they run the risk of being exiled or alienated from all those who once associated with them
Dude said he wasn't a Goof, but he went straight to P.C...
by RebelFelon613 July 18, 2020
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