2 definitions by Real Nigga69420
A name for a virgin gamer who jacks off his transgender mum every day.
He plays fortnite and has 24 discord kittens that are 9 year old boys
He is a small cock pedo
He plays fortnite and has 24 discord kittens that are 9 year old boys
He is a small cock pedo
Child 1: Yo man where did u go yesterday
Child 2: I was being a discord kitten to a lukezer
Child 1: damn
Child 2: he has a very small penis
Child 2: I was being a discord kitten to a lukezer
Child 1: damn
Child 2: he has a very small penis
by Real Nigga69420 September 14, 2021
It is the WORST LYNX EVER it smells like hot dirt and is dry af. There is no liquid in that shit and makes you hungry when you put it on. This shit lasts for 24 hours and makes you really thirsty.
by Real Nigga69420 August 3, 2021