2 definitions by Raspberry Jam/The Great Magoo
A person who needs to continuously drink a lot of Scope due to bad breath and/or a dependence on the mind altering effects of Scope. Also displays a tendency to ramble incessantly and go well beyond the point of a conversation. See def #1, above.
Try to avoid Marc if you can. He's a Scope Creep and will corner you for hours with his yuckmouth and rambling about nothing.
by Raspberry Jam/The Great Magoo February 8, 2010
When two people go really, really well together, like peanut butter and jam. They are almost always in love and are like each other's foil: a person who complements another person and highlights the best parts of each other's personality. Thick as thieves. Partners in crime. Hand in hand. Copesetic.
by Raspberry Jam/The Great Magoo February 22, 2010