1 definition by Randy Bounds

1. A weapon so powerful that simple possession of it influences policy decisions and deters aggressors.

2. An annoying collection of words that will usually induce intelligent but information deficient individuals to vomit generalized arguments against a broader, long-term regional policy that they will not understand even after it has played out.
1. The 2nd use of WMD is closely related to the following chain of events: Billy is a hipster. Billy is smart but dropped economics at University. Billy has never read an intelligence finding or foreign policy report. Billy sees a TSHIRT that says ‘no blood for oil’. Billy knows the following: BUSH&CHENEY are oilmen. Iraq has oil. Billy regurgitates what he hears from MoreOn.org and Al Franken. Billy is useful. Billy is an idiot. Billy wants to invizzle the Mullahs to a love in. We have to pay to protect Billy
by Randy Bounds December 11, 2003
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