1 definition by Ra ra Ronzo! Grace is Gonzo

Grace is a very smart, intelligent, and cool girl. She is very funny, smart, but clumsy at sometimes. If the slightest tap on the foot may cause her to collapse down onto the floor. Even with all that, you are be incredibly to have a Grace in your life. She is also very musical and great at playing musical instruments. Grace will listen to you and help you, but also needs someone to listen to her and help her. She will spend long nights texting you and making you laugh, but at night, her inner crackhead comes out. If you can survive Grace’s most crack headiest moments, than you will be best friend with her. Don’t get in her bad side though, she might hate you (as friends) for a while. Grace is the kind of girl that you want in your life, and you don’t want to lose her.
Random person: Hey who’s that?
Me: That’s just Grace Elizabeth! The coolest kid ever
Random person: woaaaah she’s soooo cool
Me: She’s the coolest, smartest, and yet clumsiest person ever!
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