2 definitions by RUFFLESx

Rather than a high five, the low two is when you butt bump someone.
In Modern Family, Cameron says to Jay "oh sure when you're gay you just walk around giving butt bumps to everybody... it's like a high five, it's a low two"
by RUFFLESx February 4, 2010
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Similar to the weight college freshman gain in their first year of college, but this is the 15 pounds everyone puts on during finals week. This can be credited to the amount of coffee and snacks consumed while staying up late studying.
Last night I stayed up until 3 A.M. studying for my biology final; I ate a whole box of Cheez-Its, two Little Debbies cream rolls, and four cups of coffee. Yeah, I am definitely going to gain the Finals Fifteen.
by RUFFLESx December 30, 2010
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