1 definition by RR77

A type of dance performed at non-punk hardcore shows. It involves violent FLAILING of the arms and legs with no reguard to your friends around you. It was developed to blatantly show you do not belong in the punk subculture and have no roots to it. It is used by kids who are too stupid to learn to skank or circle pit properly. Its not cool in any way and a year later when you "grow out" of whatever fad is big in hardcore, you realize how much of an ass you looked like the whole time. The typical person hardcore dancing is one of the older members of the scene who played in a band but they left the fad and he remains. He doesn't have anything going for him and really only dances to try and impress the young and impressionable girls at the shows. A grade A loser fashion Dance.
"yeah, my buddy just broke my nose for the third time, but its cool because were so hardcore and hes really good at hardcore dancing. Good thing we dont go to those lame punk shows where everyones friends and have a good time. All the big bands said its dead anyway. By the way my moms ordering me a hockey mask soon for shows. She says I have to get a job before I turn 23 next month or I cant have it though. And I cant bring home any more 15 year old girls after 9:30 on weeknights. Other than that I love my life."
by RR77 February 11, 2009
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