1 definition by RO_1

The most perfect girl in the world! She’s got the prettiest black hair that flows elegantly down her face to her shoulders. Brown eyes filled with love that pull me in and give me butterflies. Lips that I can’t stop thinking about kissing. The brightest smile that lights up the room. The cutest nose that makes me want her to experience all my favourite smells. Adorable ears that make me want to whisper my love for her into them. The body of a goddess, that makes me want to hold and caress every inch of it for every second for the rest of my life. The most amazing determination to change for the better and succeed, like I’ll never see in anyone else. The kindest heart that beats with mine and cares for me even when things are tough. The smartest mind that never stops and can always teach me things. The best music taste. The most breathtaking voice that makes me melt.

There’s only one Babygirl in the world and she belongs to me!
I love you Babygirl! You’re so special to me and you’re mine forever ❤️
by RO_1 October 29, 2020
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