16 definitions by RAMBO

A sexual act involving 8 or 10 gay men standing in a circle with guns, typically revolvers, whose barrels they have stuck in each others' asses. After counting to ten, all of them scream an explitive accompanied by "WAVELL!" before puling the triggers of the guns. Each man then finds himself having a unique sadistic and masochistic sexual experience in that: 1)they can see and feel their intestines on the backs of the man in front of them and 2)the guts of the man behind them have been sprayed onto their backs. As a result of this end outcome, most people can only claim to have participated in a "Wavell" once. Occasionally, however, participants in "Wavells" do survive to repeat the act.
"You think getting donkey-punched is bad? Try a Wavell, and then tell me what you think!"
by RAMBO April 8, 2005
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Any person with a large, upside down bell-shaped head. Usually has lame sense of humor that incorporates violence and/or murder. Also a sexual term, please see other definition.
Man, that fuckin' Wavell.
by RAMBO December 16, 2004
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