1 definition by R5678910

A newly recently constructed high school built in the mddle of nowhere new jersey. Franklin High school is more of a private school than a regular high school. Also if you notice the school is not even completed yet, which will be done around the year of never. Most people that go ther complain about the rules and how ther system works. Also don't mind as certain students try to act like there from a hood but when they see real gangbangers they act all soft around them. Othewise the school is pretty good but there are a few errors the school needs to change. Most of all the franklin high schoool is more of a private school with it's seemly strict laws.
Guy 1: Yo wanna go to franklin high school

Guy: No i rather sleep on a toilet.
Guy 1: did you kno franklin ryhmes with Spanklin
Guy:.......who are you?
by R5678910 June 17, 2009
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