3 definitions by Quita Danger

(n) The particular noise emitted from a lesbian being tickled preferably by another lesbian.
(v) to laugh like a lesbian; not to be confused with a heterosexual giggle.
see Lesbichuckle.
Speaker 1"What was that noise coming from Mary and Jane's room?"
Speaker 2 "I don't know Tim but I think it was a lesbigiggle."
by Quita Danger March 5, 2008
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n. A person who constantly and gladly shares their marijuana.
Speaker 1 "You're always sharing you weed man. You are my weed santa."
Speaker 2 "You know what, I am. I really am."
by Quita Danger March 6, 2008
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(sig gorn year weev year)
(n) The inspiration for a slang language popular amongst stoners in the North Florida and South Georgia regions.
(n) slang language popular amongst stoners in North Florida and South Georgia regions; add the suffix "ier" to any word with the addition of a funky tone.
Speaker 1 "Helloierrrr."
Speaker 2 "Helloierrrr my fellow Sigournierrr Weavierrrr speaker friend."
by Quita Danger March 5, 2008
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