2 definitions by Purple Turkoglu Also

v. to flee from an area, typically to evade trouble
Example 1
Guy 1: "Yo man, you got the goods?"
Guy 2: Hell yeah, give me just on sec my man."
*police siren*
Guy 1: "Oh shit! It's the fuzz! Lets shag ass!"

Example 2
Guy 1: "Dayyyummm! Look at that fine bitch comin'this way."
Guy 2: Nigga, dats my ex! The one I was tellin' you bout who won't stop callin' my house. Lets shag ass!"
by Purple Turkoglu Also April 18, 2013
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A First Person Shit your Pants (FPSP) game where you walk around in the woods at tortoise speed with the shittiest flashlight in the world, all while being stalked by the Slender man. The goal is to find 8 pages scattered "randomly" throughout the woods. Seriously, it's scary as shit, but it is an awesome game. In just a few minutes it creates a horrifying atmosphere and it's FREE!
*Guys play Slender*
Guy 1: "Aww shit man, I really don't wanna go in that bathroom. I think he's right behind me!"
Guy 2: "Why the fuck is there a public restroom in the middle of the woods?"
by Purple Turkoglu Also April 20, 2013
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