1 definition by ProudFyromian

Serbia is a perfect example of what happens when you give white trash their own state.

The name of the country is derived from the Latin "servus" which means "slave". Starting out as "that one sh*tty state nobody cares about" and still holding the tittle to this very day, Serbian history is filled with wars which they gloriously lost against Hungarians, Bulgarians, Ottomans, Croats and NATO. During all of this, the proud Serbian people proudly stood there and gloriously took it from behind. Serbs, however, believe they actually won these wars and so they celebrate them passionately.

Indeed, this is the one country that deserves Russian reversal jokes more tan Russia.

Serbs also have a very rich culture. It's called Turbofolk and it's the stuff that makes wet hippo farts look like literature. Serbs drink rakia which is a Bulgarian drink but don't tell them that or they'll switch to vodka and become Russians.

The Serbian national anthem is as follows:
Ja sam cigan
vozim tractore
volim kurac
Serb: We started 4 wars in less than 10 years, shot down 1 plane when NATO bombed the sh*t out of Serbia and we celebrate these losses! Yes, we are THAT stupid!

Normal person: ...

Serb: Ja volim ruski kurac
Russian: Is that some gypsy-mixed Russian dialect or are you just retarded?
by ProudFyromian August 31, 2012
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