1 definition by ProfilePicture

Not Official Friends.

The term you use for someone who you're close to, but not officially friends.

You typically make NOFs after Elementary School, due to the fact that it all of a sudden becomes weird to ask someone if they want to be friends usually after around the 4th grade.

NOFs are types of people who you would talk to on a daily basis, and hang out with.

Although, it's already presumed that you're friends due to the amount of social activity, it isn't official.

So you're either NOFs, close NOFs, or BNOFFs ( Best NOFs Forever )
In 1st grade, I made a lot of friends by asking. Although, it was fine until 4th grade. Then, around 7th grade, I made a lot NOFs, because we never officially said that we were friends.
by ProfilePicture January 12, 2019
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