1 definition by ProbablyInfected

The Roadman
The cunts (aged 12 - 30) who patrol the streets wearing a black bin bag, a baseball cap at 90 degrees and probably wielding a knife. You'll either see them in the front of a fast food pissing on a dog or hiding in their mother's basement complaining on how rough life is. They've all dropped out of education because they saw rich fuckers do it and become successful. They hang around in public with their dick out showing to be very tough looking whilst smoking weed with their gang listening to hard drum-n-bass. Their gang consists off the other mates dressed in a body bag and their 14 year old impregnated girlfriends who has had 4 abortions in one year. The girls show all of their skin except for their privates and call other people perverts for staring at her.

Encountering a Roadman can be very challenging, as half the time they aren't speaking words, or they are using their own language called 'FuckYouSayToMeFamMeAndMyGangWillFuckYouUpCuz'.
Roadman Talk:

Blad: Hey Blad!
Blad 1: Init cuz!
Blad: Not you blad, other blad!
Blad 2: Cheeky nando blad?
Blad 3: I'm pregnant again
Blad: Init blad!
Blad 3: Am have baby
Blad 2: Sen it!

Dav: Yo cuz can I fuck your sister blad
Don: Yo blad she is peng ting
Dav: Bloody fit bird for 13
by ProbablyInfected December 30, 2019
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