2 definitions by Prewbaca

The act witnessed when a joke is so awesome that you can never complete it before starting to laugh.
No example needed, stop being retarded. Premature ejokeulation explains itself.
by Prewbaca February 2, 2008
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Simply put, an attractive girl can be referred to as a hammer. If the aforementioned female is unbelieveably attractive, she can be called a jackhammer or sledgehammer, accordingly. A place where several hammers coexist can be refered to as Hammer City, or Hammerville, USA.
Your sister is a hammer, but your mom is a sledgehammer (usually said with a pelvic thrusting motion).

You gotta go with us to that bar next week, it's Hammer City over there.

I've never seen her before but she must hail from Hammerville, USA.
by Prewbaca October 14, 2007
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