1 definition by Preston Lad

A small 'city' in Southern England that would be of complete insignificance were it not for its University. Everyone in Oxford is stuck up their own arse, even more so than your typical southerner, possessing some misguided sense of importance/higher social standing. Anyone under 25 in Oxford is a complete pussy and has one of those "oh look at me, I'm such a smart arse Academic" faces that you really just want to punch.

If Oxford was in the North, it would be entirely ignored.

They talk like complete twats, also.

Obviously though, because it's got some ancient, elitist University, it must be cherished and wanked over by the Media 24/7. Oh yeah, they have some shitty ass boat race there against Cambridge, who are actually a lot more down to Earth than these pillocks, but Oxford feel the need to stamp their superiority everywhere. Posh twats.
Northerner: "You ever been up Sheffield way?"

Oxford douche: "Oh heavens no; why, may I ask, would one ever want to venture so far North? I'm not a coal miner, I don't wear a flat cap you know, wot wot. Anyway, I must go and revise for my Philosophy exam tomorrow morn, because I posses such a high level of intellect and importance that you can't possibly contemplate, what with being Northern and all. Tally ho"

Northerner: "...twat"
by Preston Lad January 14, 2010
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