3 definitions by Preston Michael

A fish that is a mix of a Jessicoon and a Fushifish, it eats acorns and plays video games all night while sleeping all day, they are awesome snipers and their favorite games are Halo 2 and Splinter Cell.
Fushicoonfishes are lazy.
by Preston Michael December 30, 2005
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A fish that is a mix of a Jessicoon and a Fushifish, it eats acorns and plays video games all night while sleeping all day.
by Preston Michael December 29, 2005
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1.When somebody asks you if you sware but it is a situation that you can not 100% say you will not get mad, offened, or tell somebody what the person says.

2.When someone doesn't complete a sware like "YOU SON OF A" or cover up a word with astrics.
Person 1: Can i tell you a secret?
Person 2: Yeah
Person 1: Can you sware not to get mad?
Person 2: I semi-swear
Person 1: Ok, it's about your girlfriend
Person 2: Yeah?
Person 1: She is cheating on you with me
Person 2: YOU SON OF A *****
Person 1: But u swore!
Person 2: I SEMI SWORE YOU *******
by Preston Michael January 2, 2006
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