2 definitions by Precious Pwincesssh

If this is a girl it would be someone who wears a lot of makeup has their hair tied back tightly and is pushing a pram around filled with an assortment of different colour babies!! rite chav - someone you wouldnt wanna be seen in public with!
If its a boy they would be a roght div sort of boy who does his hair (straightens it) and wears bronzer.
Karrie is such a spackster!!
by Precious Pwincesssh September 10, 2007
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when someone does something embarassing or stuiped, a person can be spacky if they act like a complete berk! (usually when refering to a person it is a "spackster")
That was a right spacky thing to do you know Levi
by Precious Pwincesssh September 10, 2007
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