10 definitions by Poppy Doodle

A photo taken through raindrops or a downpour of rain on glass (usually a vehicle window, but could be a household window or shower door). Often I would see a pretty scene, and the only way to try the shot would be through the rained on windshield of my truck. I got some very unique and painterly looking images. The rain would never fall exactly in that amount, speed or direction in between me and that scene ever again. Instead of cursing the rain for ruining my desired shot, I came to enjoy the effect. Many of my photos taken through rain on glass looked like paintings, but they weren't. I coined the word rainting.
It was far from an ordinary looking photo with its flowing look, but it was straight out of the camera. She photographed the rain on her windshield as it was actively painting the pink cherry trees on the Court House Lawn beyond. The look was so artistic, shiny and fluid that is was as if the rain were doing a painting of the scene; a rainting was born. She merely photographed it.
by Poppy Doodle June 4, 2018
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Van Gogh did paintings that were remarkably mysterious, artistic, compelling, unique and fascinating. He is World famous. Today there are photos taken with many different types of cameras that the photographer can run through photo programs that do some interesting Van Gogh like techniques. Also there are Raintings (see right here on Urban Dictionary for their definition) that don't use a photo program, only rain water or drops on a windshield between the camera and the subject. It would be a dishonor to say these artful photos are Van Gogh's, but they are artistic.
Van Goghtographs never purport to be like a Van Gogh painting nor to actually be a Van Gogh. They might make their viewers mindful of Van Gogh, and contain influence from his works, but Van Gogh is attached to the word photograph in a playful way, not to cheat nor forge, but to pay respect & homage to a famous artist.
by Poppy Doodle October 19, 2021
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3D Friend 2D Friend Meeting in Person Adds Dimension but not everything
Because I had met her in real life and could hug her and see all sides of her, I considered her a 3D Friend. My computer friends, while I'm able to love them, remain 2D Friends. Dimension is nice but not everything.
by Poppy Doodle August 24, 2019
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