2 definitions by Pizza113

Google University

The school of choice for self described experts who make ridiculous claims and attempt to back them up with "evidence" gleaned from google searches. Signs attendance include links to various fringe websites, blogs, and media outlets well known for twisting facts to suit the position of the writer(s). Other signs include lack of credible evidence (or inclusion of anecdotal evidence) , the writer/blogger thinking they understand science better than scientists, and talk of government conspiracies.
"Other than the provided bullshit from google searches links, the best evidence available is the anecdotal evidence provided by interviews with blank, blank, and blank. The government, doctors, scientists, corporations don't want you to know this because it will cost them money, power, legitimacy. I have A degree from Google University many years of experience in dealing with this issue. Tell your friends, this conspiracy to hide the truth must stop!"
by Pizza113 April 6, 2014
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Google University

The school of choice for self described experts who make ridiculous claims and attempt to back them up with "evidence" gleaned from google searches. Signs attendance include links to various fringe websites, blogs, and media outlets well known for twisting facts to suit the position of the writer(s). Other signs include lack of credible evidence (or inclusion of anecdotal evidence) , the writer/blogger thinking they understand science better than scientists, and talk of government conspiracies.
"Other than the provided bullshit from google searches links, the best evidence available is the anecdotal evidence provided by interviews with blank, blank, and blank. The government, doctors, scientists, corporations don't want you to know this because it will cost them money, power, legitimacy. I have A degree from Google University many years of experience in dealing with this issue. Tell your friends, this conspiracy to hide the truth must stop!"
by Pizza113 April 5, 2014
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