1 definition by Pistol a concerned friend

S5C (better known as Stage 5 Creeper or Clinger, preference used here) is an abbreviation that is for obsessive males but more often females that have crossed the line of stalker and officially entered the zone known only as a STAGE 5 CREEPER.

A S5C is someone that one has no desire to talk to, think of, or know of honestly; however the person does not get the message. They will continuously text, call, facebook creep, and instant message you about pointless topics and or comment about your life that they have no part of.

S5C are very difficult to get rid of because of their obsessive nature you consume their every thought and desire. Good luck.....
Stogey: She messaged me again!?!?!!
Pistol: LOL, you got yourself a S5C
Stogey: Tell me about it.....
by Pistol a concerned friend February 22, 2010
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